Simple, Safe and Reliable

Green Therma’s single well deep earth heating solution using DualVac is simple, safe and reliable when compared to current 2-well geothermal heating solutions.

Single Well Dual Pipe Solution

The Heat4Ever solution only requires one well to inject a fluid and extract energy from the earth.

It requires no geological formation characteristics such as thickness, permeability and porosity to produce heat.

This closed loop system has a number of very important benefits:

No liquid into formation

No need for aquifers

No pollution of the subsurface or in the drinking water​

No risk of formation damage or induced seismicity

No need for fracking of formation​

Deep Earth Heating Concept


A Patented Technology

The patented DualVac technology brings heated water to the surface with vitually no loss of heat loss in the Heat4Ever solution. Maintenance of the system is easy as all equipment is on and accesible at ground level.

With this novel approach from Green Therma, we can more efficiently tap into the earths unlimited sources of energy.

Cost Effective

Single well solution

Reliable Solution

Less geological requirements with no direct fluid interaction with the formation


No reservoir fracturing that potentially induce seismicity and possibly pollutes the drinking water

Zero Emissions

Unlimited sustainable heat after installing the system


Utilizing the earths never ending heat production


Utilizing heat directly below the end-user eliminating any transport requirements

Heat on Demand

Possibility of adjusting heat production depending on load requirements


Dual Vacuum Pipe Technology

The Dual Vacuum pipe technology (DualVac) was developed and patented by the Norwegian oil service company, Reelwell, which was founded in 2004. The technology is now licensed to Green Therma.

The technology was developed as part of a 100 mill USD research program in alliance with Equinor, AkerBP, Nabors, Halliburton, DP Master, Norwegian Research Council and EU.

In the closed system, fluid will flow within the outer pipe along a geological formation in the horizontal section of the well. Typically, this section is located at a depth around 2-4 km. In this process, the fluid is heated and then returned to the surface in the inner Dual Vacuum pipe with minimum heat loss. The DualVac pipe in the center works similarly to a thermoflask by limiting the percentage of heat lost. Without using a vacuum to isolate the inner liquid from the outer liquid, the model shows that a heat loss of around 35 to 40 percent can be expected.

The energy output per well is 2 to 4 MW. The produced hot water temperature and total effect is dependent on and can be optimized through the set-up of the system, depth of the well and completion of the well:

Fluid circulation speed

Length of horizontal section

Temperature difference between fluid and geological formation

Heatflow of geological formation

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